Reports until 16:40, Thursday 21 March 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Thursday 21 March 2024 (76542)
SQZ NLG Measurement

Updated notes from incorrect 73801 SQZ NLG instructions

To measure amplified signal for NLG:

  1. SQZ_MANAGER to LOCKED_SEED_NLG (this locks the OPO on dual green + seed IR resonance, starts the SEED_PZT scanning, misaligns FC)
  2.  Adjust temperature to maximize the H1: SQZ-OPO_IR_PD_LF_OUT   signal.
  3. Measure the max as your amplified signal.

To measure unampilifed signal for NLG:

Calculation for NLG: