Naoki, Nutsinee, Camilla
We turned the SQZ_ANG_ADJUST servo back to it's O3a nominal ADJUST_SQZ_ANG_ADF. Changed sqzparams.use_sqz_angle_adjust to True and reloaded SQZ_MANAGER and SQZ_ANG_ADJUST.
Set H1:SQZ-ADF_OMC_TRANS_PHASE as 133deg, new scan (as in 76434) running now to check what angle is best for total squeezing.
Accepted at H1:SQZ-ADF_OMC_TRANS_PHASE = 120. This seems to give us the best range but not high frequency SQZ. Plot attached.
We optimized the sqz angle after high CLF test and readjusted the AADF demod phase.
We should check the ADF offset with a more themalized IFO as the SQZ angle servo seems to have pulled even the yellow BLRM to a worse location, see attached.