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Reports until 11:11, Friday 22 March 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Friday 22 March 2024 (76623)
aligoNB Jitter and Frequency Injections Taken

Sheila, Jennie, Camilla. Following 70642.  Intensity noise measured in 76323.

Plot of laser noise budget attached First conclusions: Frequency noise lower, Input Beam jitter slightly higher. Compare to O4a plot (Aug 20 data?) 74943 which is a factor of ~2 worse than Aug 10th 72140.

Jitter noise excitation gain, reduced from frequency range from10,000 to 2000, didn't mean to but reverted the templates and it doesn't matter.

Frequency_excitation.xml adjusted bandstop for dither lock from 4000-4200 to 4090-4290Hz (from 76587).

template: Frequency_excitation.xml

Adjusting  70642 for Switch CARM control from REFL A+B to REFL B only from 60W:

Instead of bringing back CARM control to REFL A and B, from 17:39UTC we left CARM control on REFL B only  to look for some coherence.

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