Vicky, Naoki, Nutsinee
To scan the ZM alignment, we copied the SCAN_ALIGNMENT state in SQZ_MANAGER guardian in LLO. After some debugging, we successfully ran this state. The result is saved in here.
This state scans the ZM4/ZM6 COM and DIF P/Y. We need the proper diagonalization to define the COM and DIF, but we have not done it today. The state fits the BLRMS6 at 1.7kHz and finds the optimal ZM slider value for minimizing the BLRMS6 as shown in the first attachment. After each ZM scan, the SQZ angle is also scanned and the optimal SQZ angle is found as shown in the second attachment.
The third attachment shows the BLRMS. The T1 cursor shows when the sqz-optimized scan was done. After the scan, the BLRMS6 looked good, but the BLRMS3 (yellow) was not so good and the BNS range was below 150 Mpc. So we tweaked the sqz angle and the BNS range reached more than 150 Mpc.
The original SCAN_ALIGNMENT tries to find the minimum of squeezing, but we modified it so that it can also try to find the maximum of anti squeezing. The T2 cursor in the third attachment shows when the asqz-optimized scan was done. The result is saved here.
The fourth attachment shows the ZM slider after the sqz-optimized and asqz-optimized scan. The ZM4 Y is almost the same, but other ZM alignment is different by 10-20 counts between the sqz-optimized and asqz-optimized scan. The proper diagonalization of ZM4/6 would resolve it.
Since the SCAN_ALIGNMENT touches the TRAMP of ZM slider, we reverted it after the scan as shown in the fifth attachment.
Screenshot of the SCAN_ALIGNMENT_FDS (105) guardian state maximizing anti-sqz, just like Masayuki's LLO:64903. This update to SQZ_MANAGER is committed to svn revision 27339.
It looks like this tuning improved the noise in the bucket. Maybe reducing the misterious excess broadband noise?
This also reduces the "excess noise" as estimated using Artem's method (computing the difference between the PSD now and in O4a).