Reports until 14:46, Wednesday 03 April 2024
naoki.aritomi@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:46, Wednesday 03 April 2024 - last comment - 16:34, Wednesday 03 April 2024(76925)
PSAMS coarse scan trial

Naoki, Eric, Camilla

We tried the PSAMS coarse scan from 0 to 200 with 100 step for two PSAMS. So 9 PSAMS setting in total. The nominal PSAMS is 100/100 and we tried 0/0. Unfortunately, when we tried 100/0, the lockloss happened. For each PSAMS setting, we ran the SCAN_ALIGNMENT with asqz-optimized and took 5+5 minutes quiet sqz/asqz data. The attachment shows the result. The 0/0 has much worse anti squeezing and large frequency dependence compared to 100/100. However, we are not sure if the mode matching is really worse or alignment is bad with 0/0 although we ran SCAN_ALIGNMENT. We will try to compensate the ZM alignment change caused by PSAMS change tomorrow.

no sqz (10 min)

PDT: 2024-04-03 11:40:00 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-03 18:40:00 UTC
GPS: 1396204818

asqz with 100/100 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-03 12:25:07 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-03 19:25:07 UTC
GPS: 1396207525

sqz with 100/100 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-03 12:34:10 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-03 19:34:10 UTC
GPS: 1396208068

asqz with 0/0 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-03 13:13:17 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-03 20:13:17 UTC
GPS: 1396210415

sqz with 0/0 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-03 13:33:50 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-03 20:33:50 UTC
GPS: 1396211648


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Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Wednesday 03 April 2024 (76940)

Due to hysterisis in the PSAMs offsets, to get the same strain gauge values, the PSAMS values are now 135/115 for same strain gauge, accepted in sdf. May have slightly overshot in ZM4, plot attached. Naoki reran the SCAN_SQZANG script to find optimum sqz angle 188, this gave us 146Mpc range.

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