Reports until 15:59, Thursday 04 April 2024
naoki.aritomi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 04 April 2024 - last comment - 18:56, Tuesday 09 April 2024(76949)
PSAMS coarse scan trial (2)

Naoki, Eric, Camilla

We continued the PSAMS coarse scan in 76925. Yesterday, IFO was not thermalized, but today IFO is thermalized at least for 7 hours. It seems our nominal 140/90 (strain voltage 7.22/-0.71) would be close to optimal. The detail analysis will follow.

This time, after we moved PSAMS, we compensated the alignment change caused by the PSAMS change by looking at OSEM. This works well for ZM4, but not for ZM5 and we need to touch ZM5 in addition to the compensation. This might be related to the beam miscentering in ZM5 as reported in 75770.

no sqz (10 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 08:06:30 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 15:06:30 UTC
GPS: 1396278408

asqz 200/115 (strain voltage 9.59/-0.702) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 08:41:34 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 15:41:34 UTC
GPS: 1396280512

sqz 200/115 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 08:49:14 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 15:49:14 UTC
GPS: 1396280972

asqz 200/200 (strain voltage: 9.59/2.67) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 09:28:12 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 16:28:12 UTC
GPS: 1396283310

sqz 200/200 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 09:36:04 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 16:36:04 UTC
GPS: 1396283782

asqz 100/200 (strain voltage 6.83/2.72) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 09:55:09 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 16:55:09 UTC
GPS: 1396284927

sqz 100/200 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 10:02:23 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 17:02:23 UTC
GPS: 1396285361

asqz 0/200 (strain voltage 2.2/2.72) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 10:27:25 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 17:27:25 UTC
GPS: 1396286863

sqz 0/200 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 10:35:27 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 17:35:27 UTC
GPS: 1396287345

asqz 140/90 (strain voltage 7.22/-0.71) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 11:04:22 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 18:04:22 UTC
GPS: 1396289080

sqz 140/90 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 11:12:41 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 18:12:41 UTC
GPS: 1396289579

asqz 170/90 (strain voltage 8.80/-0.70) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 11:55:59 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 18:55:59 UTC
GPS: 1396292177

sqz 170/90 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 12:03:26 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 19:03:26 UTC
GPS: 1396292624

asqz 75/90 (strain voltage 5.77/-0.71) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 12:24:44 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 19:24:44 UTC
GPS: 1396293902

sqz 75/90 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 12:31:39 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 19:31:39 UTC
GPS: 1396294317

asqz 130/125 (strain voltage 7.21/0.26) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 14:58:24 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 21:58:24 UTC
GPS: 1396303122

sqz 130/125 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 15:06:03 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 22:06:03 UTC
GPS: 1396303581

asqz 130/83 (strain voltage 7.22/-1.2) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 15:39:41 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 22:39:41 UTC
GPS: 1396305599

sqz 130/83 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-04 15:46:36 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-04 22:46:36 UTC
GPS: 1396306014

Comments related to this report
eric.oelker@LIGO.ORG - 16:31, Thursday 04 April 2024 (76960)
Attached are the averaged squeezing and anti-squeezing DARM spectra for each PSAM value we've measured so far.  Based on the course scan, we see that our initial PSAM values (strain voltages of 7.22/-0.71 for ZM4/ZM5) appear to be roughly optimal, giving roughly -5.2 dB of squeezing and 15.6 dB antisqueezing at 2 kHz.  So far we've noticed that any significant movement of the PSAM setting for ZM5 seems to de-optimize things and we are relatively insensitive to changes in ZM4 when ZM5 is held fixed at its initial value.    

Values from yesterday afternoon are also included.
Images attached to this comment
naoki.aritomi@LIGO.ORG - 15:52, Tuesday 09 April 2024 (77065)

On April 9th, we took one more PSAMS data. This PSAMS setting might be better than the nominal 170/95 (strain voltage 8.8/-0.66) as reported in 77074. We may come back to this setting later.

asqz 125/136 (strain voltage 7.5/0.5) (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-09 15:36:49 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-09 22:36:49 UTC
GPS: 1396737427

sqz 125/136 (5 min)

PDT: 2024-04-09 15:43:59 PDT
UTC: 2024-04-09 22:43:59 UTC
GPS: 1396737857

victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - 18:56, Tuesday 09 April 2024 (77073)

Subtracted SQZ dB's for the various PSAMS settings last week: course trial #1: 76925, and course trial #2: 76949, and the previous optimzations in LHO:76507, which used SQZ ASC to hold alignments when moving PSAMS before ZM alignment scripts 76757.

I sorted the PSAMS tests by positive and negative ZM5 strain gauge voltages.

Some takeaways: hard to interpret what's happening. Could be interesting to try ZM5 strains around 0 - 0.5 V, and scan with e.g. ~0.1 V steps. I wonder if reviving the psams scanning scripts, and doing fine optimizations, would be productive at this point. I'm not sure if there's a tension between good squeezing at 1 kHz vs. 100 Hz. But some settings that give the most kHz squeezing (negative ZM5 strain) don't necessarily show the best 100 Hz squeezing (positive ZM5 strain), and vice-versa. It may just be that the optimal point is narrow, and we're taking big steps?

  • For best SQZ at 1 kHz - we seem to more reliably see this with ZM5 strains between (-0.7 , 0.5) V across a large range of ZM4 settings, even when settings are varied on the same day/lock.
  • For best SQZ at 200 Hz - a bit hard to say, but possibly ZM5 > 0 (positive) gives better 200 Hz SQZ.  
    • Several negative ZM5 traces suggest freq-dep losses below the DARM pole.
    • For positive ZM5 traces, very hard to tell. SQZ looks lossier for ZM5 > 2V.  

Attachment 1 - positive ZM5 strain - potentially more SQZ at 100 Hz, and less sqz at 1 kHz?

  • Some of these traces have flatter SQZ, but this is hard to disentangle from just loss, since many positive ZM5 settings have both less SQZ and less ASQZ.
    • Like as an example, if SQZ-OMC mode-matching was very bad for those settings, squeezing would just look lossier across the whole band, which might cause it look flatter too.
    • But I think the blue (7.2, 0.3) trace is an interesting counter-example: we could infer that there's less generated squeezing (b/c anti-sqz is lower), but the decrease in anti-sqz is not due to loss b/c squeezing is the same.
    • Comparing the blue 4/4 to the pink 3/17 is also interesting - PSAMS settings are very similar, and shape of SQZ is very similar (blue / pink nearly parallel). But, anti-sqz (= NLG + loss) is less on 4/4 than on 3/17, while sqz (~ loss) is basically the same. This could suggest less generated squeezing on 4/4 than 3/17.
  • Higher ZM5 settings far above 1V are not obviously good. In this range, both asqz+sqz look worse.

Attachment 2 - negative ZM5 strain - more kHz SQZ, but kinda looks lossier below the DARM pole at e.g. 100 Hz.

  • Mostly, ZM5 strain is at -0.7V, and ZM4 is varying. 
  • This looks consistent with the FD-SQZ data set on 20 March LHO:76540, which used PSAMS at ZM4/ZM5 = 150 / 90 (8.46V, -1.26 V).
    • Fitting a common sqz model to that 3/20 data suggested there were freq-dep losses below the DARM pole at those settings (plot). There's also evidence for the freq-dep losses at 100 Hz in this 4/4 data.


Linking LHO:75749 with the in-chamber beam profiles at various PSAMS settings, as we continue working to reconcile the models and measurements.

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