Reports until 12:57, Friday 05 April 2024
eric.oelker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:57, Friday 05 April 2024 - last comment - 15:43, Friday 05 April 2024(76986)
Summary plots for PSAM scans from 4/3/24-4/4/24

Eric, Camilla, Naoki

Attached are some plots showing several FOM for the impact of changing the ZM4 and ZM5 PSAMS on the squeezing seen in DARM. The axes of these plots show the strain gauge readouts for the PSAMs since the piezos are known to have issues with hysteresis. Our nominal setting is (7.2, -0.72).  

Initially we had relatively little reason to believe that the current settings were optimal.  Both PSAMS were centered in their range in terms of voltage after offloading during the commissioning break.  We decided to start with a broad scan (see PSAMS.jpg) and chose to prioritize regions not covered by the PSAM scan in 76507.  We Note, however, that the scans in 76507 were completed prior to the recomissioning of the SQZ alignment optimization scripts which may impact those results to some degree.   We learned that the current point is actually not too far from optimal.  

We then narrowed in on points closer to (7.2, -0.72) (see PSAMS_zoom.jpg).  It looks like there may be a point which produces slightly higher levels of ASQZ.  We would like to explore the area around this PSAM setting more carefully.  

A few comments:


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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 15:43, Friday 05 April 2024 (76989)

We've added a script to pull data to do this analyisis to opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sqz/h1/scripts/PSAMS_data/


You need to feed it a list of ASQZ and SQZ gpstimes as a text file, example attached, we used data from 76949 and 76925.

Results attached. As expected they mainly agree with Eric's.

First plot zoom_heatmap.png is with reduced color bars to show the details of which of the better PSAMS positions are best, heatmap.png has  full color bars showing how bad the minimum PSAMS settings are.

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