Eric, Sheila, Jennie, Naoki, Camilla
Aiming to repeat 68814 O4a FIS SQZ, SCRL offset data set. Nominal H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -175, previously looked at in 74373.
Using data from our PSAMS scan 76986, we're set ZM4 to 8.8V (175 offset), leaving ZM5 with -0/7V (100 offset). Reran alignment scripts following 76986. Accepted PSAMs sdf, and alignment sliders.
For FIS took SQZ_MANGER to AUTO to stop ISC_LOCK bringing it to FDS.
PSAMs at 8.8/-0.7
Data with different angles (+/-10deg from SQZ and ASQZ, and +/- midsqz aimed to match no SQZ level) with SRCL1_OFFSET -175. Plot attached.
Data with different angles (+/-10deg from SQZ and ASQZ) with SRCL1_OFFSET -275.
Additional plots for data above:
Note: As a sanity check, we took another NoSQZ trace at H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -= -425 and saw that it looked idential to NoSQZ at H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -175.
After looking at this scan, we were wondering if H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -275 might be a more optimal operating point than H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -175. We decided to do a few more FIS measurements at the two candidate operating points:
After rethermalizing, we plan to look at FDS at H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET = -275 and perhaps tweak the filter cavity a bit to see if this SRCL detuning is better or worse in terms of range.
An alternate version of one of the plot from the original post. A few intetrmediate traces are removed and replaced w reference FDS and No SQZ traces.