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Reports until 11:30, Wednesday 24 April 2024
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:30, Wednesday 24 April 2024 - last comment - 15:20, Wednesday 24 April 2024(77383)
SUS health checks

Ryan C, Rahul

Rahul and I did a bunch of SUS health checks in which we did not see anything out of the ordinary.

1) I ran the rubbing script (/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/scripts/SUS_TopMassOSEMs.py) comparing to a time last week, no issues.

2) We took OFI, OM1-3 spectra. We compared to spectra on monday, the OMs are experiencing some overflows (H1SUSIFOOUT) but we're not sure why, overall it looks fine.

3) QUADs: Binary I/Os, OSEMs, Voltmons. Trending over the past week didn't reveal anything except ITMX_L1_OSEM UL might be very slowly dying.

4) OPLEV sums

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ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - 15:20, Wednesday 24 April 2024 (77390)

OFI from monday

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