Reports until 15:17, Friday 17 May 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Friday 17 May 2024 (77895)
reverting move of PR3/PR2 spot, locking issues due to wind

MInhyo, Sheila, Ryan Crouch

After lossing lock this morning we decided to revert the move of PR3 (to move the spot on PR2) that we did yesterday.  We believe that the issues with our range may be due to the squeezing problem, which may have started before our move of PR3.  Still, we think it's best to try to revert before the weekend on the chance that that restores the range of H1.  High winds have made locking difficult since our lockloss this morning.

We realized yesterday that the PR2 spot move guardian state hasn't been updated since the IM sliders were calibrated in 77211, I've tried to scale the scale factors correctly for those changes.  We commented out all of the decorators from the PR2_SPOT_move guardian state so that we could use it without the full IFO locked, and we have now put them back in and reloaded the guardian.  We moved PR3 using this script while we had the X arm locked in IR, this lock uses the LSC POP diode for an error signal so we lost lock when we fell off that diode.  We then just used osems to restore optics to before yesterday's move, and set the pico back to it's starting point.  After setting the pico back in this way the Y arm green light was on the X arm diodes.   Once we understood that we moved the pico so that Y was on the Y camera and diode and X was on X, then optimized the beatnote.  We ran an initial alignment without much issue once the pico was set so that we had an error signal for the X arm IR. 

This resulted in a COMM beatnote of -10dBm, which had been closer to 0 before our moves.  We double checked that the test masses, BS, and PR3 were in the same location as before our move, and that we couldn't adjust the pico to increase the beatnote anymore.  While this should be OK for locking, we've been struggling with the high winds and in the past we've seen that when the ground motion is high we have better locking if the beatnotes are good.  So Minhyo, KarMeng and I went to the table to adjust the comm beatnote, we adjusted both pitch and yaw on the beatnote  beamsplitter and the steering beamsplitter directly in front of it. This brought the beatnote to -2dBm.  We are still having difficulty locking ALS, presumably because of the wind.

The Y arm seems able to hold lock for long periods of time, while the X arm green lock doesn't last more than a few minutes.  The VCO control signal has plenty of range, and the alingment seems stable, so I'm not sure what the problem is with the X arm.