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Reports until 17:10, Tuesday 21 May 2024
H1 General (SQZ)
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Tuesday 21 May 2024 - last comment - 17:27, Tuesday 21 May 2024(77969)
H1 Back to Observing

H1 is now back to observing as of 00:09 UTC following input alignment changes and other maintenance today.

After we reached low noise, I took 10 minutes of no-SQZ time from 23:55 to 00:05 UTC.

Comments related to this report
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - 17:27, Tuesday 21 May 2024 (77970)ISC, SQZ

I put together a quick DARM comparison of towards the end of the no-SQZ time mentioned above to now (~20 minutes later w/ SQZ). The low frequency noice bewteen roughly 18-100Hz does seem to be worse with SQZ injected versus not.

Images attached to this comment
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