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Reports until 16:44, Thursday 23 May 2024
H1 ISC (OpsInfo)
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Thursday 23 May 2024 (78012)
Moved PR2 spot back to old position from >8 days ago

Sheila D, Ryan S, Jenne D

We moved our PRC back to its old alignment that we've had before 8 days ago. To do this we ran a green initial alignment and then went to the PR2_spot_move state to slowly step PR3 in the direction of P:-117 Y:154. We had to move the pico a bit every 4urads or so to compensate. The AS air spot and Refl spot were long gone on the cameras and when we stopped at PR3 P:-124 Y:94.7 we tried to find it by hand moving PR2 and IM4 without luck. Sheila brought all PR optics back to their 8 days ago position and we found light on the cameras again. We then went back to where we were and continued the walk to the desired PR3 postion and the light again returned on camera.

Ryan is starting an initial alignment with this new (old >8 days ago) alignment now.

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