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Reports until 16:51, Thursday 19 September 2013
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:51, Thursday 19 September 2013 (7810)
H1 PSL ISS enabled
RickS and DougC

After prompting from ChristinaB during this morning's PSL group telecon, we enabled the ISS loop which has been switched off for the past week or two, reportedly due to instability operating it with the FSS loop.

We first adjusted the refsignal from -1.98 to -1.91 which increased the diffracted power percentage from about 2 to 8-10.  Then, when we closed the loop the diffracted light power went to about 12%, so we set the refsignal back to -1.93 such that the diffracted percentage is now at about 10%.

The loop seems to be working properly (see attached screenshot), so we will leave it engaged.
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