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Reports until 13:56, Sunday 09 June 2024
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:56, Sunday 09 June 2024 - last comment - 14:15, Sunday 09 June 2024(78332)
ASC SCR1 P & SRC1Y Smooth Offset Values Changed

Corey, (Jenne, Keita

For last few days, to lock the OMC, one needed to manual adjust SRM pointing to minimize POP90 before Locking the OMC---this was done from the ENGAGE SOFT LOOPS state (steps noted by Sheila and in  alog 78331).

To make this step easier in the future, went through the same process, but at the end, we wanted the ASC to take care of this in the future.  So,

And we are currently attempting the MAX POWER step on ISC LOCK.....but there is also some ground motion going on by the film crew's trucks and Richard is also going to be using the Genie Lift to help them put some equipment on the roof.

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 14:15, Sunday 09 June 2024 (78333)

I just put these vals into the guardian (using the usual offset, not the smooth offset) in ISC_LOCK near the end of EngageASCforFullIFO.  Tramp and values set around line 3496-3500, offset turned on in 3525-3527.  We're going to try them this lock.

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