Reports until 18:02, Tuesday 11 June 2024
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:02, Tuesday 11 June 2024 (78382)
Adding AS72 offsets also to DRMI ASC

[Jenne, Sheila, Tony]

DRMI ASC had been pulling the SRC out of alignment for the last few days, from where initial alignment leaves things.  This is pretty clearly seen in POP90's rise when DRMI ASC is engaged.

Since the AS72 offsets have been working well in EngageASCforFullIFO and bringing POP90 back down, I have put the same AS72 offsets into DRMI ASC.  This has worked well twice now (although we're not getting all the way to DC readout, likely because of the high wind).  I've also moved where in EngageASCforFullIFO the AS72 offsets come on, so that it's using those offsets all the time (rather than how I had it in alog 78333 where the offset came on later).