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Reports until 16:22, Wednesday 12 June 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Wednesday 12 June 2024 (78396)
PRG, cavity pole, and optical gain over the last week

Over the last week, we had a locking difficulty that started last Tuesday (shown roughly by the first vertical line in the attached screenshot), and caused poor range with high ASC and LSC noise, as well as locking difficulty in DRMI and when engaging the DARM offset. This has been largely solved over the weekend by adjusting triggering in DRMI(), and introducing offsets into the AS72 WFS, which control the alignment of SRM (78382). 

We attempted to move the beam in the OFI starting on Thursday, 78290, this resulted in pressure spikes that Dave and Gerardo alerted us to on Friday evening.   On Friday morning we reverted these alignment changes.

The attached screenshot shows that the PRG and arm powers are the same now as before the pressure spikes.  The optical gain seems to be better, and the cavity pole worse.  These changes may be related to the SRM alignment changes, and there was a similar lock on May 30th. 

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