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Reports until 16:22, Tuesday 24 September 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Tuesday 24 September 2013 - last comment - 09:37, Monday 07 October 2013(7844)
List of optics in HAM1 (Corey, Keita)

This is a list of the ISC diagnostic optics in HAM1. Some of these are yet to be installed,  but all will be installed in this installation window.

The only differences between this and D1000313 are:

  1. M14, the first BS for the REFL, is a 90% S-pol splitter (E040512-B4), not a 95% P-pol (E1000871-V1-02) as in D1000313, as the reflectivity of the latter was measured to be too much for our purpose.
    • However, 90% is a bit too small, and we might want to insert another 50% splitter later.
  2. For M6 (50% P-pol splitter), we used iLIGO REO splitter (E040512-B1, marked "IO824-01" on the barrel) instead of newer ATF optic (E1000671-02) because I couldn't find the latter.
  3. We put a black glass behind M5, as all high reflectors upstream of M5 are with some kind of beam dump.
ID Type and DCC S/N or marking Mount Path etc. comments
M1 50% IR, E1000671-02 ? RH REFL air-vac splitter put in previously
M2 HR IR, E1100048 0990 LH with dump REFL vac steering newly put in
RM1 Curved +1.7m HR IR, E1100056-01 2 TT (S/N ???) REFL vac MM TT1 newly put in
RM2 Curved -0.6m HR IR, E1100056-03 24 TT (S/N ???) REFL vac MM TT2 newly put in
M5 Curved +1.7m HR IR, E1100056-01 3 RH with dump REFL vac MM fixed newly put in, different from D1000313
M6 50% IR, E040512-B1 (as opposed to E1000671-02) IO824-01 on the barrel LH with pico REFL vac LS/AS splitter newly put in, different from D1000313
M7 HR IR, E1100048 ? LH REFL air steering put in previously
M8 HR IR/GRN, E1000425 ? Peri wth dump POP/ALS peri put in previously
M9 HR IR/GRN, E1000425 ? Peri with dump POP/ALS peri put in previously
M10 HR IR, HT GRN, E1000669 ? LH POP/ALS dichroic put in previously
M11 HR GRN, E1000652 ? LH with dump ALS steering put in previously
M12 90% IR, E040512-B3 IO820-09 on the barrel LH POP vac/air splitter newly put in
M13 HR IR, E1100048 ? RH with dump PSL reference put in previously
M14 90% S-pol IR, E040512-B4 IO823-?? on the barrel RH REFL splitter for high power dump newly put in, different from D1000313
M15 HR IR, E1100048 0944 RH pico with dump POP vac steering for LSC newly put in
M16 HR IR, E1100048 0965 RH with dump POP air steering newly put in
M101 1" HR IR, E1000595 ? 1" LH with dump part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
M102 1" HR IR, E1000595 ? 1" LH with dump part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
M103 1" 50% IR, E1000671-02 ? 1" LH pico part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
M104 1" HR IR, E1000595 ? 1" LH pico with dump part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
L101 1" f=+334mm, E1000845-03 ? 1" lens part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
L102 1" f=-167mm, E1000845-08 ? 1" lens part of REFL WFS sled newly put in
L1 1" f=+222mm, E1000845-02 ? 1" lens for LSC REFL newly put in
L2 f=+334mm, E1000845-10 ? 2" lens for LSC POP newly put in
BDV1 HR IR, old iLIGO N/A (no marking) BDV for REFL air newly put in
BDV2 90% IR, E040512-B3 IO820-05 on the barrel BDV for POP air newly put in
HW1 1" IR half wave plate from ALS stock N/A (no marking) rotator mount for REFL newly put in


Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:29, Tuesday 24 September 2013 (7845)

We rejected one optic (E040512-B3, IO822-07 on the barrel) because there were many (not too many) defects or particulates that we couldn't remove by nitrogen gun, gentle push using a wipe, nor a serious cleaning effort using methanol and a wipe.

It is still OK-ish, but it's not spotless either. I would have used that if nothing else is available. Anyway, that optic is now in "clean, with issues, or from SQZ" optics bin in the optics lab.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 09:37, Monday 07 October 2013 (8018)

RM1 mount serial number: 024

RM2 mount serial number: 022

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