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Reports until 11:31, Monday 24 June 2024
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:31, Monday 24 June 2024 (78625)
Updated Jitter cleaning for hot OM2

Since we've got OM2 warm now, I've updated the jitter cleaning coefficients.  It seems to have added one or two Mpc to the new SENSMON2 calculated sensitivity [Notes on new SENSMON2 below].

The first plot shows the SENSMON2 range, as well as an indicator of when the cleaning was changed (bottom panel, when there's a spike up, that's the changeover).

The second plot shows the effect in spectra form.  The pink circle is at roughly the same frequencies in all 3 panels.  The reference channels are data taken before the jitter cleaning was updated (so, coefficients we've been using for many months, trained on cold OM2 data), and the live traces are with newly trained jitter coeffs today.

I've saved the previous OBSERVE.snap file in /ligo/gitcommon/NoiseCleaning_O4/Frontend_NonSENS/lho-online-cleaning/Jitter/CoeffFilesToWriteToEPICS/h1oaf_OBSERVE_valuesInPlaceAsOf_24June2024_haveBeenLongTime_TraintedOM2cold.snap , so that is the file we should revert Jitter Coeffs to if we turn off the OM2 heater.

Notes on SENSMON2, which was installed last Tuesday:

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