I followed Camilla's instructions at
I requested the ISC_LOCK guardian go to NLN CAL MEAS.
Ran SRCL_excitation.xml in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/lsc/h1/scripts/feedforward/
The FF filtersd are at sitemap->LSC->OVerview -> IFO_FF
Set the gain of SRCLFF1 filter bank to 0, turned off ff and input, cleared history, turned gain back to 1
Ran SRCLFF_excitation_ETMYpum.xml
Ramped the gain to 0, turned on ff filter and input, turned gain back to 1 on SRCLFF1 block.
Accidentally ranthe wrong template (MICHFF_excitation.xml) so I aborted the measurement and ran the correct template
MICH_excitation.xml instead.
Ramped the gain of MICH FF block to 0, turned off ff and input, cleared history, then turned gain back to 1.
Ran MICHFF_excitation_ETMYpum.xml
Finished FF measure at 16:49:19 UTC
Fitting to come...
Although after discussion at the commissioning meeting earlier we think the thermal transient OM2 causes will not settle to a steady state till two days time so this measurement may need to be redone if the output mode-matching of the interferometer changes.
Committed versions of the MICH and SRCL FF measurements today all with the suffix _OM2_heating, I didn't want to commit the modified templates that don't have this suffix in case I had saved over anything so made these copies.