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Reports until 11:51, Friday 05 July 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:51, Friday 05 July 2024 (78886)
OM2 Heating presure change normal/expected

Richard, Keita, Camilla

Richard questioned a 4e-9 pressure rise when we heated up OM2 in June 78573 (plot). The first time we heated OM2 after the O3/O4 vent in November 2022 (plot) the spike was larger 9e-9. Future times we heated up OM2 in O4a (July and September) the rise was smaller. 

Keita says that it is expected that the first time you heat something up after a vent the pressure can rise as particles from venting are burnt off, future OM2 heating we'd expect smaller pressure rises.

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