HEPI-HAM3 position loops were designed/tested earlier this week. First performance spectra were posted in LHO aLog #7871.
A new set of controllers was designed today. The goal was to minimize gain peaking, while improving UUG.
HEPI is over constrained. Hence, we do not want to push at DC on all of the 8 DOF. Controllers for HP (Horizontal Pringle mode) and VP (Vertical Pringle mode) were limited to simple notches with no gain at DC.
New performance spectra were taken (purple) and compared to previous performance (blue) and no control (red).
Filters are commited in the svn:
/ligo/svncommon/SeiSVN/seismic/HEPI/H1/HAM3/Filters/Matlab/Isolation_Filters/H1_HEPI_HAM3_Isolation_Filters_Tuning_09_26_13_HP.m -r7595