Reports until 01:20, Wednesday 10 July 2024
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:20, Wednesday 10 July 2024 (78995)
Ops Eve Shift End

TITLE: 07/10 Eve Shift: 2300-0800 UTC (1600-0100 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Earthquake
SHIFT SUMMARY: Currently relocking and at MOVE_SPOTS. We were knocked out by a large earthquake and it kept us from trying to lock for two hours. I ran an initial alignment and relocking is going quickly. The two other locklosses from my shift are a mystery to me, but from the first lock we can clearly see that our range is lower after today's activities, although the second lock of my shift, the 36 minute one, we did get up to 155Mpc pretty fast, so maybe it was just that first lock back.

And maybe this already has an alog somewhere, but Gerardo noticed that a peak at 20 Hz was pretty big during our first lock back after maintanence. Looking back, it first appeared on may21st, and although its height fluctuates, the past week and a half it seems to have gotten progressively larger.


23:00 Detector Observing at 147 Mpc
00:29 Out of Observing to tune sqz
00:39 Back to Observing

01:20 Lockloss
01:47 We were cycling through MICH_FRINGES so I took us to DOWN to start an initial alignment
02:11 Initial alignmet done, relocking
03:00 Observing

03:37 Lockloss
    - going to run initial alignment again since during the last one we had some ground motion that might've affected alignment
    - ALS_XARM had to adjust the fiber polarization
04:06 Initial alignment done, relocking
05:06 Observing

05:16 Lockloss from earthquake, staying in downn while earthquake passes
07:26 Starting an initial alignment
07:45 Initial alignment done, relocking


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