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Reports until 13:38, Thursday 11 July 2024
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:38, Thursday 11 July 2024 - last comment - 21:56, Thursday 11 July 2024(79032)
BBSS Transfer Functions and First Look Observations

Ibrahim, Oli

Attached are the most recent (07-10-2024) BBSS Transfer Functions following the most recent RAL visit and rebuild. The Diaggui screenshots show the first 01-05-2024 round of measurements as a reference. The PDF shows these results with respect to expectations from the dynamical model. Here is what we think so far:


The nicest sounding conclusion here is that something is wrong with the F3 OSEM because it is the only OSEM and/or flag involved in L, P, Y (less coherent measurements) but not in the others; F3 fluctuates and reacts much more irratically than the others, and in Y, the F3 OSEM has the greatest proportion of actuation than P and a higher magnitude than L, so if there were something wrong with F3, we'd see it in Y the loudest. This is exactly where we see the loudest ring-up. I will take spectra and upload this in another alog. This would account for all issues but the F1, LF and RT OSEM drift, which I will plot and share in a seperate seperate alog.

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oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 21:56, Thursday 11 July 2024 (79055)

We have also now made a transfer function comparison between the dynamical model, the first build (2024/01/05), and following the recent rebuild (2024/07/10). These plots were generated by running $(sussvn)/trunk/BBSS/Common/MatlabTools/plotallbbss_tfs_M1.m for cases 1 and 3 in the table. I've attached the results as a pdf, but the .fig files can also be found in the results directory, $(sussvn)/trunk/BBSS/Common/Results/allbbss_2024-Jan05vJuly10_X1SUSBS_M1/. These results have been committed to svn.

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