Reports until 01:09, Friday 12 July 2024
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:09, Friday 12 July 2024 (79058)
Ops Eve Shift End

TITLE: 07/12 Eve Shift: 2300-0800 UTC (1600-0100 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 148Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Mostly uneventful evening, but after the lockloss while trying to relock (hadn't done an IA), DRMI unlocked twice while we were in ENGAGE_DRMI_ASC, and got beamsplitter saturations both times, with the second time also getting a BS ISI saturation (1st time ndscope, 2nd time ndscope). Not sure what that was about, as I ran an IA and when I tried locking again it was fine. After being in Observing for a little bit I decided that I wanted to adjust sqz because it was really bad, and I had some issues after running it the first time (clicked things out of order even though it shouldn't matter??), but eventually I was able to get a lot more squeezing and a much better sensitivity at the higher frequencies.

23:00 Relocking and at PARK_ALS_VCO
23:42 Started running simulines measurement to check if simulines is working
00:05 Simulines done
00:13 Observing

00:44 Earthquake mode activated due to EQ in El Salvador
01:04 Seismic to CALM

04:32 Lockloss
    - 17 seconds into ENGAGE_DRMI_ASC, BS saturated and then LL
    - BS saturation twice in ENGAGE_DRMI_ASC, then ISI BS saturation, then LL
05:08 Started an initial alignment
05:27 IA done, relocking
06:23 Observing

06:38 Out of Observing to try and make sqz better because it's really bad
07:24 Observing                                                                                                            

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
23:10 PCAL Rick, Shango, Dan PCAL Lab y(local) In PCAL Lab 23:54
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