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Reports until 17:19, Saturday 13 July 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Saturday 13 July 2024 (79101)
some symptoms that seem similar to April 22nd/23rd output change

For a summary of links related to the 22nd/23rd incidents, see

The first two screenshots show the AS air camera with 2W out of the PSL in single bounce, reflecting off ITMY.  This seems very similar to what happened on April 22nd/23rd, where the as camera image looked bad when we were centered on AS_C, but looks sort of normal when we were way off center.

The single bounce throughput is also low, similar to what we saw on April 23rd.  Jenne looked at some times when the initial alignment guardian did SR2 offload, and narrowed down when the single bounce throughput changed to sometime between 9:23 and 23:22 UTC yesterday. 

  IMC-PWR_IN (Watts out of PSL) IMC-IM4_TRANS_NSUM (has had clipping at some of these times) in Watts onto PRM AS_C NSUM (Watts into HAM6)
April 16 77204 10.01 9.14 0.0229
April 24th 77441 10.005 9.62 0.023
12 July 2024 09:23:57 (SR2 align time Jenne found) 10.0 8.7 (clipped) 0.0227
12 July 23:22:55 (SR2 align time that Jenne found) 10.01 8.7 (clipped) 0.0185
now July 13 23:35:51 UTC 10.0 8.67 0.0148


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