Reports until 01:04, Sunday 14 July 2024
H1 General (ISC, OpsInfo)
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:04, Sunday 14 July 2024 - last comment - 08:42, Monday 15 July 2024(79105)
Comparisons before/after alignment changes

I've gathered several trends comparing the before and after of the alignment shift the IFO saw in the past couple of days, likely on Friday the 12th.

On all of these plots, I use y-cursors to indicate the levels each signal was at the appropriate time leading up to the last lock H1 had fully up to Nominal Low Noise, which lasted from 10:14 to 16:45 UTC on July 12th, in order to compare to what was likely the last time H1 was behaving "well."

DRMI signals with OM1/2 OSEMs:

The last DRMI acquisition before NLN, POP18 was around 66 counts while POP90 was around 11 counts.

The most recent DRMI acquisition, POP18 has dropped to 42 counts while POP90 has risen to 16 counts. The only significant alignment difference I see is with OM1 Y being about 70 counts different.

Optic alignments during 10W single-bounce: (times all taken from when ALIGN_IFO was in the state SR2_ALIGN [58])

The last SR2 alignment before NLN (P/SRC optics; large optics), AS_C_NSUM signal was at 0.0227 counts.

The next time in this configuration (P/SRC optics; large optics), AS_C_NSUM signal had dropped to 0.018 counts. The most obvious alignment changes are with PR2Y, PRM, some SR2, and SRM.

The most recent time in this configuration (P/SRC optics; large optics), AS_C_NSUM signal had dropped again to 0.014 counts. The same optics are off in alignment as before, but PRM has now flipped to being off in the opposite directions for both pitch and yaw.


I recreated trends like Camilla did in alog78399 to check the behavior of the OFI. See attached for multi-day trend, zoomed in on shakes during high-state locklosses, and zoom in on one of these shakes.

HAM6 vacuum pressure:

Out of an abundance of caution, I trended the pressure gauge on HAM6 since we've seen pressure spikes somewhat recently, and I don't see anything that hasn't been previously noted on a 21-day timescale (the pressure rise ~20 days ago was noted to be because of the OM2 thermistor in alog78829).

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Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 08:42, Monday 15 July 2024 (79117)ISC

Looking more at the OFI TEC/temperature sensor, it seems like the alignment through the OFI changed, into probably a worse alignment that clipped somewhere (requiring more OFI temperature control as we powered up), at a time between the 2024/07/12 16:45UTC IFO unlock (looked normal, maybe 10-20% larger than normal temp swings) and the Power up at 17:45UTC. See attached. This is before we explicitly changed the SRC alignment.

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