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Reports until 12:25, Monday 15 July 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:25, Monday 15 July 2024 (79128)
Translating SQZ beam after IFO alignemt shift

Naoki, Sheila, Camilla

To continue investigating alignment changes: 79105. More details in Sheila's 79127.

We put SRM back to before alignment shift, misaligned SRM2 and ITMs,  injected 1.28mW of SQZ SEED beam (as measured on SQZT7 OPO_IR_PD_DC_POWERMON). Followed as in 78115. Increased AS_AIR camera exposure form 10,000 to 100,000

Translated SQZ beam around last NLN spot, each direction the throughput was getting better but in both pitch directions we saturated ZM4 before moving far. Were able to get all expected 0.9mW throughput by moving ZM5 Pitch and yaw both positive.

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