Reports until 16:18, Thursday 18 July 2024
rahul.kumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Thursday 18 July 2024 - last comment - 09:32, Friday 19 July 2024(79224)
Magnet-standoff assembly bonded to SRM-07 (HSTS spare optic)

Spare optic SRM07 arrived at LHO yesterday from LLO, after prisms were bonded to it's sides (see LLO alog 71969 for details). After inspecting the optic in bonding lab, I started preparing for bonding the magnet-standoff on the AR side. At first I prepared 8-10 magnet-standoff of both north and south polarity. The magnets were glued to the standoffs using Masterbond EP-30 - as per assembly drawing D0902432_V2.

The optic with AR side facing up (arrow at the top of the optic points towards the HR side) was placed on the gluing jig and aligned with the scribe lines. Once the edge of the optic was well aligned with the jig, metal plungers with the magnet-standoffs were inserted inside (the jig) - after applying the Masterbond EP-30 to the bottom tip of the standoffs using a pin (for reference see pic here). This set up was left for curing for 24hrs approximately, following which the jigs were removed. Given below are the details with pictures for reference,

- SRM07 arrived at LHO in pelican case - image01.

- optic inside the transport can - image02

- optic placed on the optical bench for inspection - image03

- Metal jig were placed on top of the AR side of the optic and aligned with the scribe lines and the optic edge (locked with stops having silica tip ends)- image04

- magnet-standoffs with plungers inserted into the jigs - image05

- magnet standoff prepared in lab - image06

- jigs removed and SRM07 with magnets glued to its AR side is visible - image07 and image08

- Optic with labels showing the four magnets and their polarity - image09 - see controls arrangement poster for reference.

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Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 09:32, Friday 19 July 2024 (79239)EPO

Tagging for EPO.