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Reports until 16:33, Tuesday 23 July 2024
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Tuesday 23 July 2024 (79290)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 07/23 Day Shift: 1430-2330 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Corrective Maintenance
SHIFT SUMMARY: Work today was just a continuation of work on aligning the AUX laser

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
14:49 FAC Kim, Nellie Optics Lab y(local) Tech clean 15:15
15:16 FAC Nellie, Kim LVEA YES Tech clean 16:35
15:47 OFI Sheila, Jason, Camilla LVEA YES Continuing OFI work (Camilla out 17:58) 19:21
16:01 FAC Tyler, Ivan LVEA YES Walking around 16:43
16:05 PCAL Francisco PCAL Lab y(local) PCALin 16:20
16:09 VAC Jordan LVEA YES Addressing HAM6 purge air and running an RGA 17:27
16:19 BIO Sabby Behind water tank n Taking soil for experiment 16:54
16:26 VAC Gerardo LVEA YES Joining Jordan at HAM6 20:07
16:32 FAC Chris MY, EY, MX, EX n Picking up old light fixtures 18:47
16:36 SUS RyanC, Rahul HAM Shack n Looking for parts 16:56
16:37 CDS Richard LVEA YES Checking on computers 17:00
17:03 SUS RyanC CR N ETM OPLEV charge measurement 18:46
17:04 OFI Keita LVEA YES Joining OFI team 19:21
17:09 OFI Jenne LVEA YES Joining OFI team 19:21
17:35 OFI Naoki LVEA YES Joining OFI work 19:00
17:51 FAC Richard LVEA YES Because he can (checking in on OFI work) 18:17
17:52 FAC Tyler LVEA YES 3IFO checks 18:07
18:15 ISI Jim HAM Shack n CPS work on HAM8 19:08
18:45 OFI Camilla, Josh Optics Lab y(local) Getting beam ready for KTP swap 20:24
18:45 FAC Richard LVEA YES Checking on OFI work status 19:14
18:52 PCAL Tony PCAL Lab y(local) Checking chassis for sending to LLO 19:20
18:58 PCAL Dripta PCAL Lab y(local) Joining Tony 18:59
19:46 FAC Tyler MX, MY n 3IFO checks 20:07
20:00 SUS RyanC LVEA YES Restarting dust monitor 20:12
20:12 FAC Chris MX n Finishing up light fixture pickup 21:29
20:45 OFI Sheila, Jason, Naoki LVEA YES Continuing OFI work (Sheila out 23:01) 23:30
20:55 OFI Jenne LVEA YES Continuing OFI work 23:30
21:21 OFI Camilla LVEA YES Helping out with OFI 21:54
21:34 VAC Jordan, Gerardo EX n Grabbing leak detector 22:45
21:35 SEE Tony, Genevieve, Sam, Mattia Roof n Looking at the beautiful landscape and arms 21:48
21:50 ISI Jim EX, EY n Recovering HEPI and ISIs 22:17
22:06 safe McCarthy LVEA YES checking on ofi work status 22:44
22:45 VAC Gerardo LVEA YES Doing vacuum checks 23:02
22:55 EE Jim, Fil EX n Figure out HEPI pump at EX 23:32
23:11 TOUR Camilla + 3 others LVEA YES Looking at OFI work



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