Reports until 11:03, Tuesday 27 August 2024
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:03, Tuesday 27 August 2024 - last comment - 09:00, Wednesday 28 August 2024(79735)
CDS Maintenance Summary: Tuesday 27th August 2024

WP12061 Upgrade RCG h1susex, remove LIGO-DAC delays

EJ, Erik, Jonathan, Dave, Daniel, Marc:

h1susex RCG was upgraded to a custom 5.3.0 specifically for the IOP to remove a delay in the new LIGO 28AO32 DAC. We compliled all of the user models with this RCG as well.

Our first restart was a simple model restart, but we got Dolphin errors. So our second restart was to fence h1susex from the Dolphin fabric and power cycle h1susex via IPMI. After this the models started with no issues.

No DAQ restart was required.

Code path is /opt/rtcds/rtscore/advLigoRTS-5.3.0_dacfix

WP12063 Alert System


The locklossalert system code was modified to permit an alert window which spans over midnight, needed for the new owl shift hours.

Note that the business/every day filter is applied after the minute-in-day filter, so a window starting Friday evening and extending into Saturday morning will cut off at midnight if business days only is selected.

One other change:

For everyone subscribed to Guardian alerts, if for any reason the Guardian EPICS record cannot be read (node down, h1guardian1 down) the alert will now default to SEND.

Guardian Reboot


h1guardian1 was rebooted at 08:21 PDT. All nodes except TEST came back automatically. TJ worked on TEST and got it going.

MSR Rack Cleanup


Jonathan removed two test switches from the MSR racks which are no longer needed.

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 14:43, Tuesday 27 August 2024 (79742)

I updated the o4 script which reports where we are in O4 and reminds us of important dates (break start/end, vent start/end).


Images attached to this comment
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 09:00, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79760)

08:50:45 h1susex      h1iopsusex  <<< 1st try, restart model
08:50:59 h1susex      h1susetmx   
08:51:13 h1susex      h1sustmsx   
08:51:27 h1susex      h1susetmxpi 
08:57:11 h1susex      h1iopsusex  <<< 2nd try, reboot
08:57:24 h1susex      h1susetmx   
08:57:37 h1susex      h1sustmsx   
08:57:50 h1susex      h1susetmxpi