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Reports until 09:36, Wednesday 28 August 2024
H1 OpsInfo
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:36, Wednesday 28 August 2024 (79762)
Removed the SDF Diff Dump from ISC_LOCK

Yesterday evening during some high wind time, Ryan C added some code to ISC_LOCK that he has been testing out in our TEST guardian node (mentioned in his summary alog79749). While successful in that node, ISC_LOCK started having connection issues for channels that exsist in the SDF. Stopping and starting the node resulted in different channels that it couldn't connect to each time. I've removed this from ISC_LOCK for now, but kept the main function in ISC_library.py. Ryan and I will try to figure out some different testing to be done before implementing again.

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