Reports until 12:26, Wednesday 04 September 2024
victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:26, Wednesday 04 September 2024 - last comment - 16:39, Friday 06 September 2024(79903)
FIS at different SRCL offsets, going through 0

Naoki, Sheila, Vicky - FIS Measurements at different SRCL offsets

Setup steps:

Measurement steps:

  1. Note the SRCL offset counts: caget H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET
  3. Take measurement at that SRCL offset. Note gpstime.
  4. Check adc counts to see if we can keep going. Right now, looks like each 75-count step on the SRCL offset is about 3.5k ADC counts.

All spans 60s

FIS original SRCL offset @ -175 1409509282  (reference, orginal FDS settings). Span 60s, brown

FIS SRCL offset @ -100  1409509687  (worse SRCL detuning), pink

FIS SRCL offset @ -250  1409510096  (better SRCL detuning, closer to 0), green

FIS SRCL offset @ -325  1409510096  (even better SRCL detuning), yellow

FIS SRCL offset @ -400  1409510673  (still better SRCL detuning), blue

FIS SRCL offset @ -475  1409511323  (very interesting, flipped around / crossed zero with SRCL detuning), black

No SQZ beam diverter closed 1409511600 - 1409511717

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Comments related to this report
victoriaa.xu@LIGO.ORG - 16:39, Friday 06 September 2024 (79951)

Posting the analysis for this FIS + SRCL offset data, where we can compare FIS + SRCL data to QN models, to try inferring the physical SRCL detuning (in degrees) for each offset value (in counts). 

Comparing data + models for FIS at different SRCL detunings, with kHz sqz optimized - Attachment 1. This seems like a reasonable way to estimate SRCL detuning.

  • Previously at -175 cts, it was likely around +0.3 deg. Now at -290 cts, it is likely around -0.08 deg. Note these measurements were taken over ~40 minutes, but it only uses ~2 min of data at each setting, so this could be faster.
  • These plots show the measured squeezing dBs after subtracting non-quantum noise based on an unsqz noise model. Data = circles. GWINC QN models = solid lines. In models, the SRCL detuning is just set to qualitatively match the sqz data (by-eye). Red dashed trace shows a reference at 0-degree detuning.
  • For calculating the qn models in gwinc: at each srcl detuning, the sqz angle is fit to minimize kHz sqz. Just like how, in real life, we minimized kHz sqz at each SRCL detuning for the measurements. That is, kHz sqz is minimized in both measured data and in qn models, so the data+models can be readily compared.
    • It seems like you could get a good signal on this if optimizing bucket squeezing because kHz sqz would be a good lever arm. But based on this week, that seems potentially harder as 1) harder to optimize sqz angle in real life (noisy/slow as it requires more averaging to optimize 350 hz noise, leaves more room for meas error) and 2) potentially more complicated to model, because in the models, the sqz angle needs to match the one used in the measurement at each srcl detuning.

Comparing FIS models at various SRCL detunings + fit how SRCL offset scales from counts to degrees - Attachment 2

  • Left panel shows that around 0-degree srcl detuning, the differences in squeezing are very marginal and hard to see (compare the red / yellow / green traces).
    • From this plot, we can see why we thought blue = -400 cts trace was a reasonable point to try yesterday in lho79929 -- that setting seems to minimize 100 Hz noise if we only had FIS. But we have FDS, where the anti-squeezed quantum noise below 100 Hz should be "taken care of" by the FC. So, seems reasonable to aim for zero detuning.
  • Right panel shows a fit of SRCL offset from counts to degrees, fit suggests -274 counts would minimize the detuning; we set it at -290 this week in lho79929, so very close to 0! Note that the different signs of the SRCL detuning seem to impact squeezing quite differently.

So far this code is living here.

Here also reproducing the list of times I used for the analysis, all span = 120 seconds. Also including the SRCL offset in counts of the filter bank, and the corresponding estimated SRCL detuning based on FIS quantum noise models, with khz squeezing angle minimized.

nosqz: 1409511600
FIS -100: 1409509687, pink.        ~~> +0.9 deg
FIS -175: 1409509282, brown.    ~~> +0.3 deg
FIS -250: 1409510096, green.     ~~> +0.1 deg
FIS -325: 1409510392, orange.  ~~> -0.1 deg
FIS -400: 1409510673, blue.       ~~> -0.5 deg
FIS -475: 1409511323, black.     ~~> -1.1 deg

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