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Reports until 15:08, Friday 06 September 2024
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Friday 06 September 2024 (79952)
PSL Status Report Weekly FAMIS

Closes FAMIS#26293, last checked 79718

Everything is looking normal. ISS diff power is a bit low but has been jumping up to ~2.5% every once in a while, and AMP1 output power is also a little low.

Laser Status:
    NPRO output power is 1.827W (nominal ~2W)
    AMP1 output power is 64.37W (nominal ~70W)
    AMP2 output power is 137.4W (nominal 135-140W)
    NPRO watchdog is GREEN
    AMP1 watchdog is GREEN
    AMP2 watchdog is GREEN
    PDWD watchdog is GREEN

    It has been locked 10 days, 4 hr 35 minutes
    Reflected power = 21.82W
    Transmitted power = 105.0W
    PowerSum = 126.8W

    It has been locked for 0 days 3 hr and 11 min
    TPD[V] = 0.8249V

    The diffracted power is around 1.9%
    Last saturation event was 0 days 3 hours and 11 minutes ago

Possible Issues:
    AMP1 power is low
    PMC reflected power is high
    ISS diffracted power is low

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.