Sheila, Louis, Francisco
We changed the ASC-AS_A_DC_YAW_OFFSET from -0.15 to -0.3 and saw an increase in ASC-DHARD_Y power spectrum in the 10-30 Hz range.
Originally, we planned to make simuline and pcaly bb injections with two different offset values for WFS given a thermalized and locked IFO. Having a non-thermalized IFO, we decided to make calibration measurements after changing the WFS offset, reverting the offset, and make calibration measurements again. We lost lock during the calibration measurement. However, we used DTT to see the data from the different offset values during NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE (as seen in AS_A_DC_YAW_OFFSET).
DHARD_DARM_PS_10-30_Hz shows the power spectrum from 10 Hz to 30 Hz for the channels of relevance. From this plot we see that the YAW dof is coupled to DARM such that the lines are visible. The increase in magnitude suggests that a big offset makes things worse, also seen in DHARD_DARM_TF_10-30_Hz, so we might try smaller offsets next time.
DTT template can be found in /ligo/home/francisco.llamas/A2L/DHARD_DARM.xml