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Reports until 20:52, Tuesday 01 October 2024
H1 SQZ (Lockloss)
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:52, Tuesday 01 October 2024 (80413)
SQZr OPO Pump Fiber issues

H1 had the ISS Pump issue that gives DAIG main the see alog 70050 message.

I started reading that alog chain again and then Super event candidate S241002e happened.

Vicky quickly jumped online to lend a hand and explain how she manages this particular issue.

"The problem is the pump fiber launched power > 35mW, which is set as the limit
So the OPO GRD was trying to lock the OPO, but this required too much fiber into the power, that guardians were bringing it down to protect the pump fiber from too much input power  

so i backed off  opo_grTrans_setpoint_uW = 75  (usually 80, this is found in sqzparams.py)  

with lower opo transmitted power, less power is needed into the fiber, so things can lock again.

This required also re-tuning the OPO TEC setpoint (which is the SDF you have accepted), and re-ran SCAN_SQZANG to optimize squeezing with this lower squeezing level  

probably the to-do for SQZ is re-optimize fiber coupling into the pump fiber. We need to fix this pump path anyways, so this fiber coupling should be re-optimized then if it can wait, and earlier if not

(also - i have been putting all the things into the LHO SQZ chat so the local SQZ ppl know what's up)"


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