TITLE: 10/20 Day Shift: 1430-2330 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 156Mpc
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 21:31 UTC
Mostly quiet shift with one fussy lock acquisition.
Lock Acquisition had no special problems but rather, a slew of small annoyances (unknown cause Lockloss alog 80773):
- 1 PSL FSS glitch (losing lock from MOVE_SPOTS) and 1 other time from a lower pre-DRMI state
- Guardian stuck at DRMI_LOCKED_CHECK_ASC for over 30 mins due to unconverged SRC1,2 Y signals (despite touching)
- Ended up inducing LL and it seems that the initial alignment done prior was no longer relevant (I'm guessing due to wind jump of 15mph during Lock acquisition)
- Ran another initial alignment.
- Lock Acquisition was fully auto thereafter.
- Wind hovering around 30mph (rough border for ALS and DRMI locking issues statistically)
- SQZ Tuning: Range was low due to SQZ angle being sub-optimal so went into comissioning (14:41-14:47 UTC) to adjust the opo temp (no improvement) and then SQZ_ANG_ADJUST, which improved the range by ~10MPc (I know!)
- PSL Chiller Check: Verbal alarm twice to check it. When Ryan S arrived, he showed me how to refill it, which he did this time (100ml) (alog 80775).