Reports until 14:22, Tuesday 22 October 2024
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:22, Tuesday 22 October 2024 (80823)
Exercised Purge Air Skid at FCES

The exercise was done to capture the internal temperature data from the compressor enclosure, done so with the system loaded, thus the entire system was turned ON, compressor and dryer with a "normal" demand, during this scenario both of the compressors were cycling in and out, taking turns.  Then, a second short test was done,  I opened the demand of the flow so as to keep both compressors running for 10 minutes, from 1:15 to 1:25 pm.  Test was started at 8:18 and ended at 1:30 pm.

Work done under WP 12148, now closed.

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