J. Kissel echoing E. Dohmen Just a bit of useful info from E.J. that I think others might be interested in (and giving myself bread crumbs to find the info in the future): - The PRODUCTION (H1 included) systems are only at 5.1.4 with no plans on upgrading soon. - h1susetmx computer, however is at a prototype version of 5.3.0 in order to support LGIO DAC testing (see LHO:79735) - One can find the running release notes for modern versions (since RCG 2.0) of the RCG at https://git.ligo.org/cds/software/advligorts/-/blob/master/NEWS?ref_type=heads
This information is also shown on the CDS overview. Models with a purple mark are built using a non-production RCG version. Clicking on the purple mark opens the RCG MEDM for more details.
Please see alog-78920 for details.
FWIW - The Stanford test stands are running RCG 5.3 to allow development and testing of the SPI readout code.
There's also some release notes here: