After we swapped CO2Y in 80812. We used Ryan's updated Rotation Stage calibration code, now saved as /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/tcs/h1/scripts/RS_calibration/
to calibrate the CO2Y rotation stage. I added another argument so we can use the same code and specify --optic ITMX or ITMY. Updated instructions in the README.txt
Current fitting coefficients: 4.16, 1.99, 59.58, 0.0
New fitting coefficients: 6.5377, 1.9908, 60.5383, 0.0179
Accepted in sdf. Requested using power control for 1.7W, got 1.71W output. Then tested with TCS_ITMY_CO2_PWR guardian (includes bootstrapping) and got 1.71W too. Great.
I checked CO2X by using power control request for 1.7W, got 1.65W output. CO2_PWR guardian bootstrapping has been fixing this to ~1.7W. Re-calibrated to make it more accurate:
Current fitting coefficients: 8.9 1.99 36.41 0.0
New fitting coefficients: 9.0022 1.9905 36.8446 0.017
Plots and accepted sdf's attached. Requested using power control for 1.7W, got 1.72W output. Then tested with CO2_PWR guardian (includes bootstrapping) and got 1.72W too.