TITLE: 10/31 Eve Shift: 2330-0500 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
SHIFT SUMMARY: Currently relocking, but we've had a few lock losses after DRMI and one at engage_asc_for_full_ifo. We've just made it past that point again.
- Gave up trying to bring PR2 back to its old position, it was close but as I get closer it seemed to only make things worse. I then ran an initial alignment sans green because it I had moved the PRs a fair amount and DRMI was definitely not going to catch. During the IA, it seemed the PR2 preferred to be at it's place post earthquake.
- DRMI post 2nd initial alignment was a great sucess!
- Lost lock at LOWNOISE_ESD_ETMX - saw a pitch ringup in what looks like CHARD.
- Next time around started to see a ringup again, but it calmed itself down after a minute. Made it to low noise at 0201UTC
Lockloss 0349
- It has been able to reaquire DRMI, but there have been a many lock losses, seeming to be from the FSS glitching, or something else that I don't know of.