Yesterday we went back to the higher range CARM configuration, in which the fast/IMC locklosses first appeared 80938. Overnight we had two observing locklosses tagged with the IMC, neither of which had glitches visible in the FSS fast mon channel, 1414411965 (1st attached screenshot), and 1414381791.
This morning I changed the gains by 6 dB in the other direction, so we further limit the range available to the frequency actuator. (CARM sliders and ndscope) Our microseism is around 5um/second right now, slightly above the 90th percentile, but there was no wind and no earthquakes this morning. At times the IMC splitmon was reaching -8V, it's range is +/- 10V so this is about as far as we can go in this direction, and might be kind of marginal.
We've since had one lockloss 1414426971, this is tagged as commissioning because we were in commissioning time at the moment, but no one was actively doing anything at the time so this wasn't caused by commissioners. There was a glitch in the FSS fast mon for this lockloss, although it was below the threshold for the tag to be applied, and around the time of that glitch the drive to the ISS AOM becomes noisy. We were not saturating the IMC splitmon at the time of the lockloss so that doesn't seem to be the cause.
I've removed this, so now we will be back to the gains we've been with for the last several weeks, and most of O4.