We lost lock at some higher states in the relocking process due to the laser glitching* issue that we have been having. At this point we decided to pause locking for now to run some tests that were discussed during a meeting yesterday. The current plan is to hold at 2W with the ISS, FSS, and IMC locked. If this configuration is found to be unstable or we see excessive glitching still, then we will start to remove just the ISS or FSS, etc to narrow down the problem.
During this time, other, approved, light maintenance activities can take place.
*The issue may not be the laser itself, but I'm unsure what else to call this at the moment.
We sat in this configuration from 15:34:37 UTC Nov 1 until the IMC lost lock at 16:45:34, 1 hour and 10 minutes. The attached screenshot shows some channels at the time of the IMC lockloss, FSS fast mon and PC mon show some growing oscialltion until the time that the reference cavity transmission drops, the ISS sees a jump, and the IMC unlocks.
We've been sitting with the IMC in offline (MC2 is misaligned so the IMC won't flash), with the PMC, FSS and ISS locked since 17:09 UTC.
Summary of today's tests: