Reports until 16:30, Monday 04 November 2024
LHO General (PSL)
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Monday 04 November 2024 (81049)
Ops Day Shift Summary

TITLE: 11/04 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Environment - Wind
SHIFT SUMMARY: H1 has been down all shift due to high microseism for the first half of the day and high winds for the second. Meanwhile, we've been able to continue glitch investigations with the PSL/IMC from alog80990. We sat with the IMC locked and ISS off for 2 hours starting at 21:37 and saw no fast glitches (trend in first attachment, white background). After turning the ISS back on, things were calm for a while before the IMC lost lock at 23:54 (second attachment, black background). There were three more IMC locklosses within 10 minutes of this, but things have been steady again since.


Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
21:41 SAF Laser LVEA YES LVEA is laser HAZARD Ongoing
16:25 FAC Karen MY n Technical cleaning 17:49
18:18 FAC Kim MX n Technical cleaning 19:44
18:18 CDS Fil CER - Power cycling PSL chassis 19:14
18:58 PEM Robert, Lance LVEA   Check on Magnetometer in PSL racks 19:03
19:44 CDS Erik, Fil, Dave CER - Swapping ADC card 20:41
20:41 PEM Robert, Lance LVEA - Installing magnetometer in PSL racks 20:58
21:18 TCS Camilla MER n Fixing water container 21:45
21:21 CDS Fil MY n Picking up equipment 22:21
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