TITLE: 11/07 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Aligning
H1's Returned To Join L1 & V1 For Some Triple Coincidence!
The day started with Daniel driving to EY to fix our ailing ALSy laser. After that Camilla ran an H1 alignment and got H1 back to NLN for a bit for some Observing time, but then there was a lockloss. After this tried locking, but DRMI/PRMI both looked ugly, so another alignment was needed (and this wasn't trivial since the Manual Alignment attempts did NOT do the trick and for a full Initial Alignment, SRY was too misaligned and required some "alignment by hand" with SR2 & SRM. But after this, H1 returned to NLN and we've been there for over 2.5hrs (in mostly Observing for this time other than a 15min drop for Vicky to touch up the Squeezer).
OPERATOR NOTE: If EX HEPI trips, call Jim!! (this is due to low fluid levels near the trip level)
- 1550 Daniel heading to work on ALSy
- 1558-1608 cleaning at optics lab (karen)
- 1600 swap of monitor for ops workstation (jonathan)
- 1720-1930---I had to step out to give a (virtual talk) and Camilla + Oli helped cover the shift.
- 1945 HEPI tripped, but this was due to Robert testing out
- 1959-2009 DRMI & PRMI did not look good + ISC LOCK kept repeating CHECK MICH FRINGES. so ran a MANUAL INITIAL ALIGNMENT for only PRC, AS CENTERING & SRC (since green arms looked good and several Check Mich Fringes had happened.) However this still had a bad DRMI & PRMI...
- 2023 INITIAL ALIGNMENT....got stuck at Acquire SRY
- 2049-2106 So went for another Manual Initial Alignment, but SRC was misaligned so I touched up via SR2
- 1954 Powering down PEM set up in LVEA (robert)
- 2006 MX & assessing tumbleweeds on arms (tyler)
- 2100-2154 Working on Beckhoff computer in MSR (fernando, patrick)
- 2153 Back to OBSERVING
- 2327-2343 Since the range had been slowly driting down in range (160 to 155Mpc), H1 was taken out of Observing, and Vicky made changes to the squeezer (after consultation with Keita) to help correct H1's range drop.
- 2349 PCal lab photos (rick, dripta)