J. Freed,
PRM shows very little coupling but there was a strong ~9.6Hz unknown noise was introduced.
Yesterday we did damping loop injections on all 6 BOSEMs on the PRM M1. This is a continuation of the work done previously for ITMX, ITMY, PR2, and PR3
As with PR3, gains of 300 and 600 were collected (300 is labled as low_noise).
The plots, code, and flagged frequencies are located at /ligo/home/joshua.freed/20241031/scrpts. While the diaggui files are at /ligo/home/joshua.freed/20241031/data. This time, 600 gain data was also saved as a reference in the diaggui files (see below), saved in 20241107_H1SUSPRM_M1_OSEMNoise_T3_LN.xml
I used part of Elennas code (
80862) to produce some of my plots. The code is under scripts in test.py
PRM_LN_OSEM_darm.png Shows PRMs noise contributions to DARM at 300 gain on injections,
PRM_OSEM_darm.png shows the same but at 600 gain on injections. The 300 gain shows double the contributions as the 600 around 9hz. This may be because the code normalizes the contributions based on the injections. Since this strange 9Hz seem to be comming from another source than the injections, it got halved in the 600 plot in comparison to the 300.
The inteferometer went down during the last injection, there is no information of T3 at 600 gain
GPS Times of injections (reference number in diaggui files)
Background time: 1415041155 (ref0 DARM, ref1 LF_out, ref2 RT_out, ref3 SD_out, ref4 T1_out, ref5 T2_out, ref6 T3_out)
LFL time: 1415041497 (ref7 DARM, ref8 LF_out)
LF time: 1415041737 (ref9 DARM, ref10 LF_out)
RTL time: 1415041886 (ref11 DARM, ref12 RT_out)
RT time: 1415041999 (ref13 DARM, ref14 RT_out)
SDL time: 1415042143 (ref15 DARM, ref16 SD_out)
SD time: 1415042269 (ref17 DARM, ref18 SD_out)
T1L time: 1415042417 (ref19 DARM, ref20 T1_out)
T1 time: 1415042536 (ref21 DARM, ref22 T1_out)
T2L time: 1415042696 (ref23 DARM, ref24 T2_out)
T2 time: 1415042815 (ref25 DARM, ref26 T2_out)
T3L time: 1415042980 (ref27 DARM, ref28 T3_out)
T3 time: ---------------
PS The injections were not the sole cause of the interferometer going down but may have contributed to it.