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Reports until 09:43, Thursday 14 November 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:43, Thursday 14 November 2024 (81277)
PSL bebugging this morning

Sheila, Vicky, Elenna, TJ, Marc, Filiberto, Richard, Daniel, Jason, Ryan Short

The IMC did not stay locked overnight, after Corey left it locked at 2W with the ISS on (screen shot from TJ). Vicky noticed that the SQZ 35MHz LO monitor sees something going on sometimes before the IMC lost lock, screenshot from Elenna.  A few days ago Nutsinee flagged this squeezer 35MHz LO monitor channel, it does show increased noise when the FSS is unlocked which doesn't make sense but it seems like this is at least partially due to cross talk (when we intentionally unlock the FSS, there is extra noise in this channel).

A bit before 8:29 I unplugged the cable from the IMC servo to the PSL VCO, and we left the FSS and PMC locked with the ISS off.  At 8:31 pacific time the FSS came unlocked, and glitches were visible in the PMC mixer and HV (screenshot) .  The new channel plugged in on TUesday H1:PSL-PWR_HPL_DC_OUT_DQ might show some extra noise, more visible in the zoomed in screenshot.  There are some small glitches seen in the SQZ 35MHz LO monitor at the time of the reference cavity glitches, the squeezer 35MHz LO is shared by the SQZ + PSL PMCs. 

8:44 unlocked the FSS and sitting with the PMC only locked, a few seconds later we had a few glitches in the mixer and HV. PMC alone screenshot

The PSL was powered down to restart the beckhoff, a few minutes before 11 until 11:30 or so.

A few minutes before 11 pacific time, Marc Filiberto and Richard went to the CER, measured the power out of the 35MHz source (11.288dBm) and adjusted the Marconi setting to match the power measured on the RF meter to 11.313dBm.  There is a 10MHz signal which is locked to gps through the timing system plugged into the back of the Marconi, Daniel says that he thinks the Marconi is locked to that source if it is plugged in.

At 19:33 (11:33 UTC) the PMC is relocked after the beckhoff reboot with the 35MHz source changed.

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