Reports until 16:35, Tuesday 19 November 2024
H1 General (Laser Transition)
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Tuesday 19 November 2024 (81349)
OPS Tuesday day shift summary

TITLE: 11/19 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Preventive Maintenance
SHIFT SUMMARY: 2ndary microseism has been consistently high (above the 90th percentile) for the whole day and has risen even more in the last few hours of the shift and has reached the top of the plot. It will likely will get even worse tomorrow as the storm off the pacific coast closes in. Wind has been pretty low today. ITMY5/6 is still kind of high.

As of 23:30 UTC we're back to sitting in idle, we unlocked the FSS, ISS, and IMC just leaving the PMC locked.

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
21:41 SAF Laser LVEA YES LVEA is laser HAZARD 17:55
16:08 FAC Eric EndX N Glycol piping famis task, upright fallen portapotty by FCES 16:50
16:14 TCS TJ, Camilla LVEA Y CO2Y table cable jiggling 17:01
16:17 FAC Kim & Karen FCES N Tech clean 16:31
16:19 FAC Tyler LVEA N Verify strobes in H2/PSL area 16:28
16:20 FAC Tyler + Cascade Fire OSB, Ends N Fire alarm testing 18:54
16:27 FAC Tyler, Tristan EndX N Fire alarm testing 18:47
16:30 FAC Kim EndX N Tech clean 17:19
16:31 FAC Karen EndY N Tech clean 17:35
17:00 ISC Sheila LVEA Y Unplug ISS Feed forward 17:08
16:34 VAC Jordan LVEA Y->N Prep new scroll pumps, gauge swap 20:04
16:41 FAC Chris + Fire LVEA Y Check fire ext. 17:10
16:59 VAC Gerardo LVEA Y->N Join Jordan, Scroll pumps 20:04
17:03 OPS Camilla LVEA Y -> N LASER HAZARD transition 17:20
17:08 FAC Chris + Cascade fire EndY N Fire checks, End then mid 18:54
17:10 VAC Janos LVEA Y Join VAC team 17:53
17:20 CDS Marc, Fil EndX N DAC swap 18:12
16:45 EPO Corey+1 EndY N Pictures 17:15
17:30 FAC Kim FCES N Tech clean 18:00
17:32 VAC Janos LVEA N Pump/Gauge work 18:35
17:36 FAC Karen FCES N Tech clean 18:00
17:42 OPS Oli LVEA N Grab power meter 17:47
17:47 SEI Jim CR N BS and ITM sei tests 18:22
17:00 ISC Daniel LVEA Y Investigations, scope installation 17:52
17:57 ALS Camilla, Oli EndY Y Beam profiling 19:54
18:01 FAC Richard LVEA N Walk around 18:21
18:02 ISC Keita LVEA N Cable checks 18:29
18:16 ISC Sheila CER N Plug and unplug FF cable 18:40
18:22 VAC Janos EndX then EndY N Scroll pumps 19:25
18:22 SEI Jim LVEA Biergarten / CR N working on Seismic sub systems 19:55
17:30 EPO Corey+1 LVEA N B-Roll 18:25
18:37 FAC Kim & Karen LVEA N Tech clean, Kim out 19:37 19:53
18:54 FAC Tyler+Cascade Mids N Fire checks 20:20
19:25 VAC Janos LVEA N Join VAC team 20:04
19:56 SEI Jim LVEA N Take pictures 20:06
20:03 OPS Oli LVEA N Return power meter 20:11
20:11 CAL Tony PCAL lab Y Make it laser safe 21:07
20:40 CAL Francisco PCAL lab Y PCAL work 22:28
20:43 OPS/TCS TJ LVEA N-> Y -> N HAZARD TRANSITION then CO2Y table adjustment, back to safe 21:13
20:48 TCS Camilla LVEA Y Join TJ, CO2Y table 21:13
21:31 ISC Keita LVEA N AS_B SEG3 testing 21:49
21:47 OPS Oli LVEA N Sweep 22:13
23:37 PSL RyanS, Jason CER, PSL racks N Pull cable  


Some of the maintenance work completed includes:

We did not do a DAQ restart

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