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Reports until 14:25, Thursday 21 November 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:25, Thursday 21 November 2024 (81405)
looking at NPRO to AMP1 mode matching

I've made a script that uses a la mode to double check the mode matching that Jason and Ryan are working on using Jammt , I'm posting it here so that people can use it in the future if they want to.  It is saved in sheila.dwyer/PSL/modematching  along with a copy of the a la mode code (alm).

I took the beam profile measurements that they saved in /ligo/gitcommon/labutils/beam_scans/Data/NPRO_a_21Nov2024.txt and used them for fitting.   In this text file the distances are a rail location, I used the information in 80895 and compared it to what I got by fitting the data in NPRO_26Oct2024.txt to find the offset between their rail distances and their coordinate system. 

From their data I get a horizontal waist at 162.1um at -0.097 meters, and a vertical waist of 182.1 um at -0.176 meters (see first attachment).  This is more astigmatism than the laser 1661 had.  If no mode matching had been done at all with this NPRO swap we would end up with an overlap of 87% to amp1 (sqrt(X overlap* y overlap)).

I used the average of the vertical and horizontal waist locations, and asked a la mode to optimize lens 2 + 3 for that average waist (as Jason and Ryan were only planning to move lens 2 + 3 to avoid changing the waist through the EOM).  Then using that lens solution to propagate the fitted x and y waists, the overlap given by sqrt(Xoverlap * Y overlap) for that solution is 95% for lens locations of:

    label    z (m)     type    parameters         
    -----    -----     ----    ----------         
    L1       0.1020    lens    focalLength: 0.2220
    L2       1.1511    lens    focalLength: -0.334
    L3       1.2787    lens    focalLength: 0.2220

This is in pretty good agrement with the photo that Jason sent me of their Jammt solution. I also plugged in their solution, and get an overlap of 94%:
    label    z (m)     type    parameters         
    -----    -----     ----    ----------         
    L1       0.1020    lens    focalLength: 0.2220
    L2       1.1440    lens    focalLength: -0.334
    L3       1.2780    lens    focalLength: 0.2220

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