H1 is back to observing at 161Mpc as of 08:34 UTC following a two-day NPRO swap.
Reached low noise at 08:21 UTC but couldn't start observing due to several outstanding SDF diffs. I made my best guess for some of these, so I encourage the appropriate people check on these changes and make updates as necessary. The models in question are:
- susetmx - Accepted L3 lock bias T-ramp, changed by Sheila (alog81430)
- isiitmx - Accepted ST2 blend "supersens" filter settings, I believe related to some testing done today (no alog)
- sysexisc and syseyisc - Accepted fiber locking temp control setting, possibly related to new laser frequencies (alog81425)
- hpipumpctrl - Reverted remote control mode from manual to auto; not sure if this makes a functional difference (no alog)