TITLE: 11/23 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 161Mpc
It has been a shift with a return to decent locking with H1 unlocked ~2.5hrs for the shift. Saturday Calibration was run (coordinated with LLO). Overall locking was fairly easy although the ALS took a bit of time (not bad), and DRMI locking was a little tough and needed PRMI/CHECK_MICH_FRINGES. But after that locking has been automated.
- 1633 Lockloss (after 5hr55min lock)
- Locking Notes:
- Green arms: x-arm looked off in pitch and mostly improved via TMSx in +pit, but then let INCREASE FLASHES run for both arms.
- ALSy would have its alignment driven off, so quickly took down and tweaked up mainly via tmsy (still not great, but made it)
- DRMI: Had to go to PRMI. Still looked off, so touched PRM and then BS in pitch (due to AS flashes) & it locked. During ASC offload, AS camera went from pitch misalignment to yaw misalignment on the camera and it stuck with that as ASC offloaded. For DRMI, eventually locked after 4+min, but....
- 1702 DRMI Lockloss (non-DOWN)
- 1757 Back to NLN
- 1921 Incoming M5.9 Fiji EQ alert---No issues riding through it.
- 2036-2037 Accidental Drop from OBSERVING due to Operator Error
- For the next lock, there is currently an ISC_LOCK notification saying, "ALS_XARM: STOLEN by USER"
- 2100-2132 Calibration
- 2221 Lockloss (after a 4hr24min lock)
- ALS locking once again was not smooth. Required several rounds of INCREASE FLASHES. And even after that when the arms would lock, they would have noticeable oscillations (for the y-arm the powers had a 5sec period oscillation which would cause a lockloss) But ISC LOCK eventually moved on.
- DRMI had flashes, but similar to last lock it wasn't quite there. I took H1 straight to CHECK MICH FRINGES after a few minutes, and rest of ISC_LOCK was automated.
- 2349 PI24 begins ringing up & was damped down within a couple minutes.